My Heartaches


Misunderstandings are bound to happen in any relationship. With our partner. With our kids. With our family and friends. With our colleagues. This is normal and natural.

Sometimes, we might let a slew of small irritations build up, which only triggers resentment and negative feelings over time. It leads us to withdraw from our loved ones, and be less present in our relationships. Other times we might blurt out our frustration in the heat of the moment, screaming words we might later regret. Neither approach is helpful and can chip away at our relationships. Now I am going to tell you how my life was related to misunderstandings.

This affected my life mostly with my friends. Some of my activities have hurt many friends. But the most important thing is that I didn't do anything wrong. And they misunderstand some of my things. It's mostly when I spend time with my friends and because of my external behavior, I'm never a person who hurts my friends or is selfish, even though it's been many misunderstands about me. On several occasions, because of things  I said or the way I behaved, my friends have stay away themselves from me because of  misunderstandings among my friends. That's why I got hurt a lot. However, I love my friends very much. I am not one to offend my friends. But in this I will not describe those events because these are my personal information. However, I was very disappointed and hurt that my friends thought of me like that.

So now I realized that I have some problems in expressing my thought and feelings among friends. So I thought it would be better to share my thoughts and feelings with more caution when spending time with friends. Because I don't want my friends to stay away from me due to misunderstandings again. Because I love my friends very much.


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